Other Cultural Manifestations of the Deaf




The Czech television is a public kind of TV station that is required by law to broadcast some programs in Czech sign language. These are for children – Czech fairy tales. You can find there many more classical Czech stories and fairy tales for small and older children.


Deaf TV Club. This kind of program is created directly in cooperation with deaf, who have been part of it for several years. They are interested what is happening in the world of the deaf in the Czech Republic, events that are prepared for the deaf and also the personalities – interesting deaf persons or hearing persons who work with the deaf. The moderators of this program are deaf.


This show deals with interesting stories and interesting information about health, self-care, children and other everyday situations. It is broadcast live and at the same time it is also interpreted live into Czech sign language. Because it is broadcast early in the afternoon, it is also stored in the television archive so that working parents can watch it from the recording.



When schools were suddenly closed in the spring due to Covid-19, Czech television reacted very quickly and within a week prepared a completely new program that was not yet on television. It was a morning block of lessons 1. -5. class, which was broadcast live. From about the second week, this broadcast began to be translated into sign language. The interpreted broadcast could be watched live on Facebook. In the recording, the deaf could see it in the archive on the television's website. The program was interpreted by a school in Hradec Kralove.


News in Czech sign language are broadcast every day. It is a daily summary of the most important in the Czech Republic but also abroad. The reports also include sports and weather information. Moderators are deaf.


It is a website that deals with the translation of important messages and information into sign language.


The Hradec Kralove Region decided to translate its meetings into sign language. So that even deaf people in the region have an overview of what is at stake and what regulations or changes apply in their region.


1. Wie ein wachsen, ein wachen —> „how one grow, one awake"

2 . ich bin die heftigste blume am strauch —> „I am the most fervently flower on shrub"

3. zu spät —> „too late"

4. ende dezember von Lea Schneider —> „end december by Lea Schneider"

5. all die kleinen steine rollen längst von Tim Holland —> „all the little stones already rolling by Tim Holland"

6. tausche hemd-plissier gegen handfalten von Anna Hetzer —> „change pleated shirt against hand wrinkles by Anna Hetzer"

7. SPRECHEN jetzt von Andrea Heuser - „TALKING now by Andrea Heuser"

8. EIN AUGE, OFFEN von Paul Celan - „AN EYE, OPEN by Paul Celan"

9. wind von Eugen Gomringer - „wind by Eugen Gomringer"

10. “all die kleinen steine rollen längst” – “all the little stones” have been rolling for a long time
Tim Holland, k. A., Julia Hroch,
Dieses Gedicht handelt vom Klimawandel in den zwei Städten New York und Berlin.
The poem is about climate change in the two cities New York and Berlin.

11. „SPRECHEN jetzt“ – „SPEAK now“
 Andrea Heuser, k. A., Dawei Ni,
In diesem Gedicht geht es um das Sprechen (müssen).
„SPEAK now“, this poem is about the obligation if speech.

Paul Celan, k. A., Jürgen Endress,
In diesem Gedicht geht es um die Faszination Sehen und die Gefühle, die Gefühle, die dieses Sinnesorgan auslösen kann.
This poem is about the fascination for the eye and the feelings that come along with seeing.

13. „wind“ – „wind“
Eugen Gomringer, k. A., Julia Hroch, Jürgen Endress und Dawei Ni,
Das Word Wind wird von drei tauben Personen gebärdensprachlich interpretiert und umgesetzt.
The Word wind and its meaning is transposed into sign language by three deaf persons.

14. „Herzklopfen“ – „Heartbeats“
k. A., 2014, Susann J. & Mandy Ziensch,
In dieser Geschichte geht es um die Liebe auf den ersten Blick.
This Story is about love at first sight.

15. „Schnee“ – „Snow“
Gunter Puttrich-Reignard, 2015 / 1994, Gunter Puttrich-Reignard
In diesem Weihnachtsgedicht geht es um zwei taube Kinder, ihre Weihnachtsgeschenke und den Weihnachtsmann.
This poem is about Christmas, Santa Clause, two deaf kids and their presents.

16. „Der Panther“ – „the panther“
Rainer Maria Rilke 1903, 2016, Stefan Goldschmidt,
In diesem Gedicht geht es um einen hinter Gitterstäben gefangenen Panzer in der Menagerie im Pariser Jardin des Plantes.
This poem is about a panther trapped behind bars in the menagerie of the Jardin des Plantes in Paris.

17. Gebärdensprachpoesie und Storytelling von Susanne Genc
Deafmedia.de_by_zfk, 2016, Susanne Genc
In diesem Video sind drei Beispiele des Storytellings in Deutscher Gebärdensprache zu sehen: „Ziel zum Turm“, „Titanic“ und „Der Regenbogengott“.
The video gives you three different examples of storytelling in german sign language:  „ “, „Titanic“ und „Der Regenbogengott“.

Wach? (Trailer) —> „awake? (trailer)"


Dezvoltarea Limbii Semnelor Române - Gelu Bogdan

Made Ro (presentation of new project)

FILM Ecouri prin timpan FESTIVAL IVCCD

1. Buzunarul cu painE
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9aFBQvmqac&list=PLG0rE57ciOjFuibJ8RFBxOQPp_4dV3tjG&index=28&t=23s
Spectacolul "Buzunarul cu pâine", de la Godot Cafe Teatru, a beneficiat, in data de 27 octombrie, de interpretare în limbaj mimico-gestual pentru persoanele surde din România.
"O PREMIERĂ pentru Teatrul Românesc: Reprezentaţia din 27.10 v beneficiat de interpretare în limbaj mimico-gestual!
Cu sprijinul ANSR – Asociatia Nationala a Surzilor din Romania, filiala Bucuresti, Lavinia Chițu & Bogdan Anicescu", a anunțat Godot Cafe Teatru.
"Buzunarul cu pâine" este despre oameni și câini, un exercițiu de voință într-o lume care ne îndeamnă spre pasivitate și nepăsare. Actorii pe care îi vedeti jucând sunt Alexandru Nagy și Ștefan Pavel.
2. „Ce e amorul?”
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3zORs1ZUhk&index=29&list=PLG0rE57ciOjFuibJ8RFBxOQPp_4dV3tjG
Autor: Mihai Eminescu Interpretată de: Anna Arhirii


1. POEZJA PJM "POJEDYNEK” („Polish Sign Language (PJM) Poetry - Duel”)
Author:Fundacja Kokon
 Interpreter:Joanna Łacheta
30.10.2013 r.
Sung poetry about a duel.

2. „ŻYWIOŁY” W WYKONANIU AKTORÓW NIESŁYSZĄCYCH Z TEATRU PLASTYCZNEGO SEN („Elements”, as performer by the Deaf actors of the Teatr Plastyczny SEN”) 
Author:Tomasz Irski
Interpreter:– Paulina Olejnik,– Ewa Karpińska,– Małgorzata Traube, – Michał Krajewski,– Adrian Olejnik,– Daniel Gołdy
05.12.2014 r.
In this performance, Deaf actors present artistic performances depicting the four elements - water, fire, earth, air.

3. "SZTUKA CISZY" - TEATRU PLASTYCZNEGO SEN („The Art. Of Silence”, by Teatr Plastyczny SEN)
Author:Tomasz Irski
Interpreter:Sandra Tofil,  Ewa Karpińska, Sylwia Biernacka, Dorota Mrowińska, Fela Jujeczka, Irena Moskal, Michał Michta, Artur Fengler
07.12.2016 r.
Artistic staging about the hardships of the artist's work, the disappointment with his own work and failure to notice its beauty, and about seeking his own fulfilment.

Author:Tomasz Irski
Interpreter:Ewa Karpińska Sandra Tofil Małgorzata Traube Otylia Żuber Dorota Mrowińska Adam Mrowiński Kamil Zawadzki Michał Krajewski
 02.12.2015 r.
Accompanied by the works of Ludwig van Beethoven, the production tells about the life and everyday problems of Deaf people.

5. SPEKTAKL "MY GŁUSI" CZĘŚĆ 1 (The „We, the Deaf” performance, part 1)
 Author: Izabela Maria Wilczewska i Krzysztof Zemło, osoby niesłyszące i niedosłyszące
Interpreter:Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Niesłyszącym "MIG-iem"
 09.12.2019 r.
A performance inspired by the history, cultural and linguistic identity as well as the heritage of the Deaf community.

6. DZIADEK – GŁUSI O NIEPODLEGŁEJ („The Grandfather – the Deaf sign about Independence”)
 Author:Izabela Maria Wilczewska i Krzysztof Zemło wraz z osobami niesłyszącymi i niedosłyszącymi
Interpreter:Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Niesłyszącym "MIG-iem"
 09.11.2018 r.
A story inspired by the most important events in the history of Poland.

7. FILM FAMILIJNY DZIECI Z BULLERBYN – PJM („The Children of Noisy Village” – a family film interpreted in Polish Sign Language)
 Author:Astrid Lindgren. Lasse Hallström
Interpreter:Fundacja Katarynka 1987 r.
"The Children of Noisy Village" is the story of six children who live in a tiny village of Bullerbyn, with only three homesteads there. One of the girls, Lisa, talks about their life.
It’s the beginning of summer holidays, which means a lot of fun adventures for the kids.

8. SPEKTAKL WILKI W UDZIAŁEM OSÓB NIESŁYSZĄCYCH (The „Wolves”, performance with the participation of the Deaf people)
 Author:Izabela Maria Wilczewska i Krzysztof Zemło, wraz z osobami  niesłyszącymi i niedosłyszącymi
Interpreter:Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Niesłyszącym "MIG-iem"
08.07.2016 r.
A performance inspired by the fate of the “Cursed Soldiers”, showing the history of post-war underground, in sign language.

9. POEZJA PJM "LOKOMOTYWA" (Polish Sign Language (PJM) Poetry – “A Railway Engine”)
Author:Julian Tuwim
24.07.2018 r.
Story about the railway engine and how difficult it is to get to work, how much weight it pulls, the hardships and efforts of one machine.

10. POEZJA PJM "ŚPIOCH" (Polish Sign Language (PJM) Poetry – “Sleepyhead”)
Author: Brak
Interpreter:Fundacja Kokon i ABC
09.05.2014 r.
Poetry about being late to school.