Polish Sign Language Comedy Shows

Comedy playlist Polish

Humor - Autostopowicz

Humor - Łowienie ryb

Humor - Przychodzi chory do lekarza

Humor - Zdrada

1. „U PANA BOGA ZA PIECEM” („In Heaven as It Is on Earth”)
 Adam Stoianov 07-10-2018 
We recommend the 1998 movie: A young Russian woman is robbed after crossing the Polish border. To assert her rights, she stays in Królowy Most - a place where the priest is the highest authority.

2.  „POŚCIG ZA JELENIEM” („The deer chase”)
 Polski Związek Głuchych Oddział Mazowiecki ul. Białostocka 4 ,03-741 Warszawa
A deer is being chased in the middle of the forest.

3. „WĘDKARZ” (“Fisherman”)
A fisherman fishes in a forbidden place.

4.  „WYJAZD ŻONY” („Wife’s departure”)
 Marta Alharbi 07-10-2018 
A way to train a husband who does not want to help his wife with daily chores and raising children.

5. „JAŚ FASOLA I PIRACI” („Mr. Bean and the Pirates”)
 Artasz Amiryn 07-10-2018 
Imitation of the famous comedian Mr. Bean in an adventure with pirates.

6.  „ZERWAĆ Z NAŁOGIEM” („Quitting smoking”)
 Adam Stoianov 07-10-2018 
Funny situations associated with the difficult art of quitting smoking.

7. FRAGMENT FILMU CHARLIEGO CHAPLINA OPISYWANY W POLSKIM JĘZYKU MIGOWYM („An excerpt from Charlie Chaplin’s „The Circus” interpreted in Polish Sign Language”)
 Adam Stoianov 19-07-2019 
Trapped in a lion cage, how do you survive with the wild animal waking up?

8. APARAT SŁUCHOWY JAK KREWETKA („A shrimp-like hearing aid”)
 Paweł Rosik 02-01-2018 
A hearing aid that looks like a shrimp.

9. ŚMIESZNE ZACHOWANIA („Funny behaviour”)
 Ewelina Ochawa, Dariusz Paliwoda  14-04-2013
 Deaf sense of humour and funny behaviour.

10. CO W ŻYCIU NAJWAŻNIEJSZE – FIFA („What is most important in life – FIFA”)
 Filip Gałązka 27-09-2019 
Hobbies and love, what to put first, what is love in the end?

11. DEAF, WYSOKIE PRĄD SIŁA CZŁOWIEKA Z BRUNO I DARIUSZ („Deaf, high voltage and human strengh with Bruno and Dariusz”)
 Tomasz Kuczaba  16-07-2014
 Human strength.

12. HUMOR GŁUCHYCH (“Deaf humour”)
Tomasz Simborski 31.05.2015  
Situations that are funny for Deaf people.

13. BEZPOŚREDNIOŚĆ GŁUCHYCH („Directness of the Deaf”)
 Migaj.eu 24-04-2019 
Honesty and directness of the best man before the wedding dinner.

14. NOWY APARAT SŁUCHOWY („New hearing aid”)
 Paweł Rosik 02-01-2018 
Selection of the hearing aid’s size.

15. OKULARY („Glasses”)
 Justyna Ozimek 28-05-2013 Mr. 
Hilary is searching for his glasses, which were on his nose through the whole time.